The benefits of moving your training online

During the outbreak of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), during which Australians are being advised to shelter at home for the foreseeable future– transitioning to online training has become a top priority.
However, shifting your services online doesn’t just mean training, but enrolments, resources, assessments, student feedback, and more.
Growing your RTO’s online offering doesn’t have to be negative, in fact, it is helpful to look on this as an opportunity to expanding your organisation with the help of the internet– something that comes with numerous benefits.

If you’ve been putting off transitioning from paper-based assessments to digital, now is the time to act. Paper-based assessments are notorious pain-point during an ASQA audit. By moving to digital assessments, you’ll be able to easily complete your mapping to ASQA’s training components.
Students are able to work online
Online assessments give your students the ability to work from home during these unprecedented times. Your students will also enjoy the continued benefits of online assessments long after COVID-19 has moved on.
Save time with automated marking
With online assessments, questions that can be automatically marked are, meaning you only have to spend time on the answers (like essay answers) that require manual marking. Many online learning systems also offer the option of allowing students to re-attempt wrong answers instantly, instead of waiting for feedback from their trainer.
Streamlined assessment process
Students complete their assessments online without having to download a word document, complete it, and then upload. Not only is completing assessments online less fuss, it means work isn’t able to belost.
Work-based Learning
Practical, competency-based skill assessment doesn’t need to come to a halt during social isolation, thanks to online learning.
Those being assessed can meet with their assessors via video conferencing software or upload videos that clearly exhibit their competency.
Online Enrolments

Take this opportunity to make paper enrolments a thing of the past. Allowing your students to enrol online is not only more convenient for them, but makes your reporting process more streamlined and dependable than ever.
Online Learning

Student freedom
Now students have the benefit of learning anywhere, giving them greater freedom and control. Assessors and teachers benefit as well, able to mark work from home.
Performance tracking
Because students are completing their assessments online, you’ll be able to tell quicker than before if they are falling behind and require additional assistance.
Focused Communication

Instead of losing communications in the email fray, everything is neatly squared away within your online system.
Student’s Access to Information
Running your training online allows students to have up-to-the-minute reporting regarding their course and personal performance. Being able to access everything in one place gives the student more transparency when it comes to managing their education.
With all of these benefits and more, the transition to online-training should hopefully seem less daunting, and more like an exciting opportunity.

Magic Map Co-Founder & Magician